florjus nature + beats


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Listen to the 2022 Video Music Playlist

All songs are under the Creative Commons License

Song: Everlasting Harmony

Artist: DJ Gami.K

Album: Second Life Story

Netlabel: Jamendo Music

Song: Samsara Silhouettes

Artist: Mabisyo

Album: In the Dreams of a Dragon

Mabisyo Music Archive

Song: Lonesome 2

Artist: Dope Fiends

Album: Lonesome (EP)

Netlabels: Jamendo Music

Song: Then and Then

Artist: Thallus

Album: Good Netlabels Compilation

Song: A Turntable And A Koto

Artist: Hypoetical

Album: Pendulum (LP)

Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom

Song: Loved Once

Artist: Sp.Ace

Album: Caravan of Lightbulbs

Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom

Song: Sold Ma Soul

Artist: Inkliing

Album: Generals

Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom

Song: Sunday Morning

Artist: Block 8

Album: Sorry About the Rain (EP)

Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom

Song: Shortie

Artist: BaaskaT

Album: Beat Tape 2 (LP)

Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom

Song: Cold Hands

Artist: Dark Optics

Album: Remember When (LP)

Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom

Song: Metabones

Artist: Anitek

Album: Deadspace 

Netlabel: Jamendo

Bird Songs on a Late Spring Morning

I usually add a hip hop beat to my videos after trimming and editing.  But sometimes nature's sounds are the perfect soundtrack.

I can identify plants all day.  Birdsongs not so much.  I'll say many bird species were out on this morning.  Cardinals have nested in this area for years.  So they're likely apart of the bird chorus. 

Featured Plants:

Multiflora Rose (Rosa Multiflora)

Tulip Tree (Liriodendron Tulipifera)

Orchard Grass (Dactylis Glomerata)

We don't talk about the day moon enough.  The full moon at midnight gets all the fame.  

The day moon's enthralling.  The moon at night hangs in a nearly black sky.  Beautiful to the eye.  But hard to photograph.

Look at the day moon.  Sometimes colorful clouds frame it.  Sometimes a bewildering colored sky is its backdrop.

The moon in the sky at sunrise, midday or sunset is a magical sight.

See the day moon in its waxing stages.

Song:  Astro Melody

Artist:  The Innkeepers

Album:  Astronaut Delta

Netalbel:  Dusted Wax Kingdom

Song: Dark Skies (Mr. Moods Rainy Mix) 

Artist: Erik Jackson 

Album: Rainy Days 

Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom 

Song: Lumawig

Artist: Moki McFly

Album: Keturi

Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom

Song: A Man of Dreams 

Artist: Ribbonmouthrabbit 

Album: Follow the White Rabbit 

Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom

1-2.Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia) Bark 

3-6. American Sycamore ( Platanus Occidentalis) Bark 

Song: Zombo  Artist: Tony Mahoney  Album: Genesis  

Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom

Song: Komorebi  

Artist: Anitek  

Album: Mainstay  

Netlabel: Jamendo

1. Cherry Tree (Prunus x Yeodensis 'Yoshino') Bark

2. Black Locust (Robinia Pseudoacacia) Bark

3. Gray Poplar (Populus Canascens) Bark

4. River Birch (Betula Nigra) Bark 

5. Eastern White Pine (Pinus Strobus) Bark

Song: Lately  

Artist: Ogi Feel the Beat  

Album: Lately  

Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom

1. Ruffle Lichen (Parmotera)

2.Yellow Lichen (Xanthoria Parietina) on Red Maple (Acer Rubrum) Bark

3. Southern Powdered Ruffle Lichen (Parmotremum Hypoleucinum) 

4. Yellow Lichen (Xanthoria Parietina) 

5. Southern Powdered Ruffle Lichen (Parmotremum Hypoleucinum) 

6. Lichen on Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus Virginia)

Song: Relax  

Artist: Nyctophiliac  

Album: Nyctophiliac  

Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom

1. Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria Japonica) Cones

2. Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga Canadensis) Cones

3. Eastern White Pine (Pinus Strobus) Cone

Song: Post Arrival  

Artist:  MEDL4  

Album: Isostasy 

Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom

Spring blooms will distract you from noticing yew's male cones.   They dangle like little earrings.

1. Yew (Taxus Baccata) Male Cones

2. Yew (Taxus Baccata) spring growth

3. Yew (Taxus Baccata) mature leaves

Song: Lover's Lament

Artist: Fredo

Album: First Movements

Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom

So what I thought were berries are actually modified cones.  Don't ask me how botanists came to that conclusion.

When I was a kid, we made a game of throwing and dodging these cones.  Kids...

1. Arbovitae (Thuja Orientalis) Cones 

2. Juniper (Juniperus Chinensis 'Blue Point') Unripe "Berries"

3. Creeping Juniper (Juniperus Horizontalis) Unripe "Berries" 

4. Juniper (Juniperus Chinensis 'Blue Point') Ripe "Berries"

Song: Motions  Artist: dustmotes  Album: Horror Vacui Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom

Evergreens aren't associated with daintiness...but here are some examples.

1. Common Juniper (Juniper Communis)

2. Eastern White Pine (Pinus Strobus)

Song: Raindrops in Your Hair Artist: Bulimic Orgy Album: Dairy Plant

1. Winterberry Holly (Ilex Verticillata) Leaves and Berries

2. Carissa Holly (Ilex Cornuta) Leaves

3. Holly (Ilex Acquifolium) Leaves

Song: Luz Sin Tiempo  Artist: Garay Palma 

 Album: Musica de Mentira  Netlabel:  Dusted Wax Kingdom

Song: Winter Solstice 

Artist: Esbe 

Album: Late Night Headphones (Volume 3) 

Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom 

Song: Kalter Winter 

Artist: Lupid Ocampo 

Album: Break Asymmetry 

Netlabel: Good Netlabels 

1. Southern Magnolia (Magnolia Grandiflora) Seed Head 

2. Ripe and Unripe Pokeberries (Phytolacca Americana) 

3. Honey Locust (Gleditsia Triacanthos) Seed Pods 

4. Honey Locust (Gleditsia Triacanthos) Seed Pods Closeup

5. Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia) Seed Heads

6. Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus Virginiana) Berries

Song: Victorious  Artist: Glintsik  Album: Wits End  

Netabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom

Song: Outro  Artist: iSoLate101  Album: Under the Skin  Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom

I thought I was recording the silver leaves of an autumn olive swaying in the breeze...with a touch of bokeh.  Instead, I got bokeh with a touch of leaves.

Song: Mistakes and Blemishes  Artist: Noi2er  Album: Beyond Reality (Vacuum)

Song: CTFO  Artist: Groove Cereal  Album: Part of a Dusted Breakfast Volume 1

Song: Chicxulub  Artist: Undogmatic  Album: The Philosophy of Nature

It was too cold, I'm too lazy and too unskilled to record a time lapse video of the once in a half millenium partial lunar eclipse that happened this morning.  I'll leave it to NASA.

Back on land, I stayed in my lane and recorded some lovely seed heads swaying in the wind.

Song: Valium  Artist: Ego Dome  Album: Neurocentric EP

Song: Broken Home  Artist: Glintsik  Album: Butter Dream  Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom

Late Summer Meadow with Sounds of Nature and Traffic 

It's not the country; it's the suburbs.  A busy street and an even busier highway are the borders of this meadow of native wildflowers and naturalized species.  Most of the trees are the now hated Callery pear (Prunus Calleryana).

This small plot of land is home and larder to several critters:  rabbits, groundhogs, hawks, eagles, geese, crows, cardinals,  bluejays, birds I can't name, deer and numerous insects.  I'm sure many more live secretly among the tangle of plants.  The meadow's dynamic.  A different plant dominates a season from year to year.  Last year at this time, it was filled with goldenrod (Solidago spp); it's now relegated to the edges.  This year the cloudlike boneset (Eupatorium Perfoliatum) reigns.

The wonder is how it survived the juggernaut of development.  There's no value or profit in this wildness.  Deep down, I know it's end is near.  Thus, I document what may be the last years of this suburban meadow.  With just a touch of melancholy.  

Wow.  This took a detour.  I meant to celebrate the changing of the seasons.  Next time.

Please enjoy this video of a late summer meadow in the Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC.

Planted in an unsuitable location (western sun, edge of parking lot), split asunder by lightning then cut back with a chainsaw whenever new growth appears from the stump.  This tree has been through it.

I was lucky enough to record this video at the beginning of its Prometheus-like life cycle.

Eastern redbud (Cercis Canadensis) is native to eastern North America.  In zone 7a, I'd recommend giving it morning sun and afternoon shade.

The dope song:  Patterns of Love   Artist: Nienvox   Album: Sphere EP

Artist: Garaz 

Song: Monk 

Album: Smoke Rings 

Netlabel: Dusted Wax Kingdom