Welcome and thanks for visiting

florjus blog  is an appreciation the natural world and all its wonders.  Admire what's in bloom in an abandoned garden.  Marvel at the tenacious plants growing in sidewalk cracks and alleyways.  

Yeah, yeah...we all know the moon.  What about the moon in daylight?  Common yet magnificent.  

If you're like me, you yearn to travel and photograph exotic places.   If you're like me, your situation won't allow it right now... or never.  Take another look at the haphazard plantings at parking lot edges.   And the self sown wildflowers on the side lot of a liquor store.  

The exquisite lives beside the mundane.  It's all in your perception.

Please have a look at the photographs of plants, insects and sky I've taken in Southeast Washington, D.C., Southern Maryland and Northern Virginia.  I've seen exquisite and mundane things here. 

Delight in nature,
